With more content providers than ever before, the Internet has never been so chaotic.
So how do brands ensure content is seen?
When it comes to creating a successful content strategy, clever distribution plays an increasingly important part.
Determine How Your Target Audience Usually Engages
Not everyone accesses content in the same way.
When it comes to social media, for example, there are two distinct groups.
First, there are the spectators – people who use social media websites and apps to passively view content but don’t contribute.
Maybe they use it to keep up with friend’s photos but would never comment on a brand’s post.
Then there are the commentators – those who actively engage by commenting and actively participate in discussions.
These people are more likely to use multiple social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, and overall, have a more profound social media presence.
Shape Your Strategy According To Your Target Audience’s Behavior
By using data to find out who an audience segment is as well as how they behave online, brands can directly shape a more effective strategy.
From the type of content used, whether it be text-based articles or videos, to when and where the content is published – brands should always consider the target consumer first.
This type of strategy is far more effective than carelessly hoping content stays at the top of news feeds.
Use The Correct KPIs
Another way for brands to effectively plan content distribution is to ensure the proper KPIs are being used to measure success.
Take social for example, where Facebook shares and Likes are typically the scales on which success is measured.
However, if a brand’s target audience happens to be those in the spectator category, it’s highly unlikely that they will engage with it in this way.
As a result, this would be the incorrect type of measurement to use.
Of course, that’s not to say that Facebook shares are not valuable, but this would not be indicative of how a particular segment is engaging.
Instead, measuring it against a different KPI, such as click-throughs to a brand website, could prove far more insightful.
Written by Nikki Gilliland
Originally posted on econsultancy.com