It’s easy to feel uninspired. Have no fear! Here are several tips to spike your creativity for free all summer long.
Set a Mantra
A mantra is a repeated positive word, sound or statement that changes negative practices and routines into positive ones. Repeating a mantra will inspire you to quiet your mind so you can focus on new goals while sparking creativity. Some of our favorite mantras are: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible” by Winston Churchill and “The mind is everything. What you think you become,” by Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta. Mantras are medicine for the soul.
Write down your best attributes.
Here at JFG, we use a series of valuable attributes on a daily basis to better our agency and clients. Some include: honesty, openness, helpfulness, adaptability, innovate thinking, etc. To be inspired, journal your attributes to help achieve the goals you want to accomplish.
Venture outside.
In society, we have the tendency to spend more time indoors on our electronic devices rather than outside. Leave your cell phone on the kitchen counter, grab your sneakers and just start walking. Detaching from your smartphone allows you to experience the tangible outdoors; vibrant green grass, historically old trees, animated animals and the beautiful sun. Getting outside gives your brain the ability to take a break from overstimulation and absorb new influences. Your mind will be able to prioritize what is important, sparking creativity.
Unwind your mind.
Our minds can be large filing cabinets filled with old, current and new thoughts. At times our thoughts are so overwhelming, we shut down and no longer feel inspired by our passions or goals. To prevent ourselves from being unmotivated, we need to unwind our minds. To do this, you can practice mindfulness meditation, yoga to move your mind and body simultaneously, write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, spend time with family, etc.
At JFG, we enhance our creativity through these tips so we can effectively deliver for our clients while maintaining a healthy, clear mind.